In Defense of the Escape Button - Face The Music

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von face_the_music
People talk about how using the escape button makes you learn less, but I've found that if I screw up badly more than once in the beginning of the quote, it throws me off enough that I'll be flailing for the entire rest of the quote. The way I see it, flailing isn't learning. So if I start floundering right out of the gate I take a deep breath, hit the escape button three times for luck, then try again.

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gianttoenail99 2 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
This right here ^

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typin_ 163.09 96.9%
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user81230 123.58 97.8%
strikeemblem 123.15 94.2%
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penguino_beano 121.17 92.1%
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lings 44.39 94.9%
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astrid17 73.55 95.1%
permy 49.25 96.0%
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