Break The Fever - MuteMath

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user705660
My sympathies for the obsolete are climbing higher every day. It ain't so funny when you see it's you that's in everyone's way. I've got nothing to prove and no one round to care if I did, my head is burning up from all the doubts that overcrowd it. It's all a matter of time before I run out of points to make, out of points to make. Can't you see all the time it's wasting, they can't believe all the space we're taking.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
typin_ 176.15 97.9%
user871724 163.94 95.3%
user491757 139.14 99.1%
penguino_beano 135.64 94.4%
strikeemblem 128.89 96.1%
user98852 128.83 96.6%
2001or2 128.80 93.0%
theprivateeye 127.12 97.5%
rivendellis 120.00 97.0%
kaiserpepper 119.29 93.6%

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donoshea 98.38 97.0%
jgdude 101.45 95.7%
kyle_w 113.47 96.6%
whasingmachine 41.05 93.8%
kasricha 36.11 96.1%
user830398 89.55 97.9%
smartboynaresh 77.69 93.2%
user109431 27.77 87.2%