This quote wurde hinzugefügt von neveronground
No one could ever make all those dreams come true. Just when you think there's a whole lot of blood on your clothesline, and there's a whole lot of pain on your sides, I don't know where your life fits in.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 177.69 100%
johnymaccarroni 176.28 99.0%
restspeaker 173.85 100%
bunniexo 171.04 97.2%
srm 159.93 98.1%
hololivefan 159.29 98.6%
venerated 158.85 100%
user491757 156.31 98.6%
user381085 152.44 99.5%
69buttpractice 149.75 98.6%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user109675 50.37 88.7%
user468593 89.45 99.0%
kyle_w 116.88 95.8%
user843630 94.89 94.5%
jacquelinesharp 70.27 99.5%
rozzz 71.82 96.2%
munphen 39.46 86.1%
charliegjune 78.78 98.6%