To the Elite Quoters - Insecure typist

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von parthenocarpy
I hate quotes that say "This quote should be really easy to type, you should easily get over so and so wpm if you attempt this" like do these people even know that there are a range of different typists on these websites and not everyone types above a certain quota? I get angry and lose my composure during these type of tests and end up skipping the quotes entirely. If you do this, you know who you are. Please stop.

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someone_with_an_l 2 Jahre, 4 Monate vor

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
jiggalee 154.94 96.5%
user291759 140.60 98.6%
penguino_beano 127.82 95.0%
user491757 127.78 97.2%
mentalist 117.81 97.0%
strikeemblem 117.30 97.7%
jjanis334 116.76 97.0%
mrlazav 115.77 92.9%
user871724 114.84 90.7%
bmcgoo 113.09 96.8%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
trishadgk 94.02 91.1%
smartboynaresh 71.54 92.7%
dcampolongo12 78.08 96.3%
user108349 11.09 74.5%
user107477 42.76 97.4%
lexervoid 57.62 92.7%
afminto 105.31 97.0%
jamie.s 62.44 94.8%