Why type? - Anonymouslb

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von shlbybrbr182
I was just doing a quote, the quote was about how old people are and why they type here. So my answer to their question is I am 28 years old, and the reason I type here is because I recently quit smoking, and I find that typing keeps my mind occupied. And it's helping me get better at typing! How old are you? Why do you come here to type?

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marchtoglory 9 Monate, 1 Woche vor
19. For fun, basically. Also it distracts me from my depression symptoms and insomnia, and it helps me pretend I'm not a failure in life.
soaps 10 Monate, 3 Wochen vor
17, I type mostly for fun but also I agree with the keeps my mind busy from things i don't like to think about...
txldybeast 1 Jahr, 5 Monate vor
35, ADHD, I need to type to focus during meetings.
user100113 1 Jahr, 7 Monate vor
18 and also just like to type random quotes. Some of them here definitely make me think.
owolord 1 Jahr, 9 Monate vor
14 and im just bored with life and i just find keyboard typing so satisfying
leology 1 Jahr, 10 Monate vor
I'm 19 and I love the way it feels under my fingers when I'm able to type something fast and correctly!
catrice 2 Jahre vor
"Libertine" describes when there are multiple people in existence, thus necessitating plural pronouns.
venerated 2 Jahre vor
libertine detected

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