A great typist - HATOLA

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user352939
To be a typist, you must use all four fingers on the keyboard, be able to type really, really fast and have excellent, and I mean excellent accuracy. Some typists barely miss any words while typing at all. An average professional typist types about 43 to 80 WPM (Words per minute), while advanced typists type at speeds above 90 WPM. Crazy, huh? Barbara Blackburn who typed 112 WPM in 2005 set a world record for the fastest typist in the whole world.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
netramz 106.29 96.2%
penguino_beano 97.85 92.6%
hari 95.56 97.6%
user975182 94.95 94.7%
hartikainen 87.08 95.1%
hieu 82.03 97.4%
user464609 77.27 93.2%
keyherousersamu 75.39 91.3%
rickrodile 73.35 94.5%
user80864 73.26 93.5%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user390874 52.04 94.0%
hellawildtyper 59.78 94.9%
user80864 73.26 93.5%
cohenalyssa044 63.37 91.1%
user107665 29.93 96.0%
schuyler.6535 48.85 95.3%
ephemeralwildflower 65.48 96.2%
bellavitamt 35.23 89.3%