Volleyball - Dnote

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von dnotekoetting
I usually like to stay anonymous. After reading about the volleyball player that hurt their thumb at practice, I have decided to change that. I will now use "Quotes" as a place to free type.

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poojabansal3435 2 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
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velocifriend 135.71 99.5%
joshr 119.94 100%
adilzinoune 118.62 98.4%
marchtoglory 118.32 96.0%
hackertyper492 117.68 93.6%
penguino_beano 117.52 93.1%
miserableusagi 110.61 96.9%
strikeemblem 103.46 94.6%
jacqueline1234 103.31 96.9%
joethestickguy 102.20 96.4%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
joshr 119.94 100%
afiffauzi31897 58.29 91.8%
magesh 88.40 94.5%
user271706 38.63 89.2%
hetty5 59.50 95%
dante-didit 89.00 95%
cecelia37 67.63 92.7%
jacqueline1234 103.31 96.9%