Keyboard Playground - Fingers

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von hasanovitch
I don't know how to write the right way on the screen, I mean to type while always looking at the screen, it's like you trying to know what the next word or story will be about, and fingers are like madmans running all around on the keyboard which seems to be a small land for those big and fat fingers of mine. And perhaps you feel me cause you have the same type of fingers. I always wonder if it's "The manual for typing" is the same for every typer physics and especially his fingers.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
typin_ 173.66 97.0%
johnymaccarroni 159.91 98.2%
user871724 157.18 95.0%
69buttpractice 143.93 97.6%
paronomasia 126.50 96.8%
hackertyper492 122.64 89.4%
mafuso 119.75 98.0%
bmcgoo 119.00 96.1%
spiritowl 117.47 97.4%
rivendellis 117.01 95.9%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user843630 91.86 97.8%
dante-didit 103.71 96.8%
typin_ 173.66 97.0%
magesh 96.61 97.6%
milumakayie 64.50 92.2%
ibbysileo 52.40 83.3%
hetty5 66.15 97.2%
vivianli 57.32 97.6%