Progress - Anony

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user710871
Progress is easy to lose track of. We see our goal and wonder why we are not there yet. But if you were a bystander watching over your own shoulder you would see remarkable improvements over time. Check in on yourself regularly to see how you are doing. Because over the course of a few minutes you may not see great change, but over days or months you will most certainly not be the same as you were before.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 175.46 97.1%
penguino_beano 153.83 97.8%
forkhunter 149.48 99.0%
user291759 149.30 99.8%
seantype2510 145.23 99.8%
iltranscendent 139.19 98.1%
restspeaker 138.11 96%
bmcgoo 137.76 98.8%
promethes 134.54 99.0%
kenneth27 134.40 96.5%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
matysek 67.12 96.5%
reasonablereason 86.01 97.1%
user871724 169.60 96.5%
user206721 96.72 99.3%
user101536 45.17 90.9%
kicko 103.73 95.3%
trishadgk 111.05 94.2%
user817767 95.03 95.3%