Lee Hsien Loong

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von _kookie
What will the next 50 years be like? It depends on you. Go for it! Make the most of what you have. Stretch your limits; help one another; work with your fellow citizens as one Singapore team. Show the world what Singapore can be.

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_kookie 1 Jahr, 2 Monate vor
Why not?
dcb87 1 Jahr, 8 Monate vor
What's with all the weird Singapore quotes?

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 167.85 95.4%
suikacider 154.17 94.6%
user491757 148.61 99.1%
toinfinity 129.40 95.4%
strikeemblem 124.24 98.3%
2001or2 121.26 95.0%
vmlm 121.12 98.3%
mrlazav 121.08 97.4%
mafuso 120.00 98.3%
joethestickguy 117.78 97.9%

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user101536 43.05 90.6%
user99861 44.73 92.4%
neumnotele 83.14 96.2%
lechu_ 84.20 94.2%
shortie 51.80 99.1%
typinglindsey 77.23 97.9%
reamerton 62.16 93.5%
kyle_w 102.51 96.2%