Click Clack - Ginny Zacc

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von gzaccagnini
Most people are probably on this website to learn to type or to otherwise hone their typing skills, increasing their WPM or precision or what have you. Personally, I don't actively need to get better at typing seeing as I'm already pretty good, but I will say that the sound of my fingers flying over the keyboard and the clickety-clack of the keys scratches a special kind of elusive brain itch that I can't otherwise get rid of.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
venerated 141.23 98.4%
alliekarakosta 138.81 98.4%
strikeemblem 122.78 96.9%
abuhurairah 118.02 98.2%
lynchrobinson 114.96 97.1%
rivendellis 114.79 96.0%
user739074 113.57 97.1%
joethestickguy 113.54 96.0%
spiritowl 112.67 97.5%
theprivateeye 110.46 92.9%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user843630 91.10 97.9%
user109520 48.53 94.1%
jellyvanessa 86.07 92.7%
joshsalita30 56.80 95.3%
gladevise 69.13 96.0%
user207332 57.26 95.1%
user349339 49.65 92.9%
afminto 108.50 97.3%