Leave me alone, Harry - Sanity

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von mgreen22097
I don't understand why so many quotes on here are from Harry Potter. It's a shame really. They're littered with quotation marks and made up words. To me, it's not a good reflection of typing skill to type one of those. Out of everything in pop culture, why that? I tried to read it once, got 3 chapters in and promptly dropped it. Terribly boring and uninspired.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
spiritowl 102.86 98.9%
kyle_w 92.06 96.5%
kgreven 77.89 88.3%
user713307 73.54 97.3%
user402939 68.44 94.0%
horblok 65.67 95.0%
user642961 61.65 94.3%
reamerton 53.95 95.8%
user640504 50.29 94.8%
user447175 48.60 95.0%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user640504 50.29 94.8%
user713307 73.54 97.3%
horblok 65.67 95.0%
reamerton 53.95 95.8%
spiritowl 102.86 98.9%
user642961 61.65 94.3%
kgreven 77.89 88.3%
user447175 48.60 95.0%