"Dotwork" - Delta Sleep

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von space_cadet
Wait - I'll follow, but first, I need the time to go find a place we see the sunset and more than just three stars. I know you're down with that. There must be more to life than concrete walls, with endless corridors. So push aside your biggest regrets to learn your mother tongue. We've still got time for that. There must be more to life than concrete walls.

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user871724 166.55 98.9%
penguino_beano 152.18 98.1%
user975182 135.89 98.1%
venerated 133.73 96.8%
feuv 132.12 96%
bennyues 130.87 97.8%
jaothejao 129.92 97.3%
strikeemblem 129.43 96.3%
paronomasia 125.30 98.4%
user370418 124.06 99.2%

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sterlingwolf 104.69 97.6%
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kyraa708 67.75 97.6%
colson47 59.00 97.6%