Lost in your wordless thoughts - Delicee

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user440624
When you're lost in the woods and there is no way out, find a tree and think about all the past times you have rounded about when you were lost in the woods, uncertain there's a way out.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 200.38 96.4%
hololivefan 190.41 100%
jiggalee 188.15 97.9%
restspeaker 173.87 100%
venerated 170.76 100%
2001or2 168.15 97.4%
toinfinity 164.11 97.9%
thorgott2 162.87 100%
iltranscendent 162.45 100%
user491757 161.60 97.4%

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jacquelinesharp 67.32 100%
kait999 78.23 94.4%
kait999 62.70 92.1%
jena83 73.18 91.2%
user843630 96.39 95.4%
machinist80 79.60 94.9%
tjapit 122.87 99.5%
mojoreno 93.48 94.4%