Shooting, Cubing, and Typing - Terrence Tsang

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von terrencetec
I started practicing Airsoft shooting just about ten years ago. Practical shooting is a sport where shooters engage targets in a stage setup. The goal is to do so as fast as possible. I started cubing five years ago. Speedcubing is an activity where cubers solve scrambled cubes as fast as possible. I started typing on this platform around two years ago and you all know what it is like. The three activities are similar. One simple mistake ruins your final score.

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seantype2510 1 Jahr, 1 Monat vor
also all three activities are fun as shit

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
jiggalee 144.91 96.9%
user871724 142.54 94.8%
venerated 132.94 97.3%
user491757 120.10 96.3%
rivendellis 115.46 97.1%
bmcgoo 114.09 97.1%
iltranscendent 114.05 98.3%
seantype2510 113.70 96.7%
strikeemblem 113.50 97.9%
paronomasia 108.73 96.3%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
youdontwantokno 82.29 99.1%
mind0604 28.98 98.5%
user99861 45.15 95.1%
jiggalee 144.91 96.9%
jules831 69.72 94.3%
slaughtermelon 68.51 93.9%
bmcgoo 114.09 97.1%
jgdude 92.88 94.7%