Me, bitch.

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von sleepdrunk
Don't you just hate it when celebrities push you to donate and do your part when they could donate an entire small country's worth of money? It's all about their stupid image as if it hasn't been tarnished anyway. Though I will say one thing and because I'm broke as hell and a hater you should take my word: do good in your community it'll be less miserable to live in. Good day.

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jrmquitless 6 Monate vor
Most of them already have donated a boatload of money to those organizations.
owolord 1 Jahr, 10 Monate vor
y'know being a youtuber is a job and they usually do their own contributions off camera. Earning money is part of the job i guess.
owolord 1 Jahr, 10 Monate vor
y'know being a youtuber is a job and they usually do their own contributions off camera. Earning money is part of the job i guess.

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