A little typing tip - Aspiring Typist

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user73270
When I'm typing on this site, depending on my state of mind, I eventually start making mistakes, or find long quotes daunting. This negatively affects my typing speed and accuracy. The more my typing speed and accuracy decline, the more frustrated I get. So... a little typing tip. When you find yourself in this situation, only focus on writing the next word and nothing else. Do it well. Do it fast. Then move on to the next one after that. Nothing else matters.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 156.56 93.8%
user74592 116.87 98.1%
kyle_w 101.40 95.5%
donoshea 94.86 95.5%
magesh 89.89 94.0%
user830398 83.27 97.1%
thatsmyjam 82.39 95.3%
slaughtermelon 80.66 95.3%
tess01 77.74 88.7%
user106998 74.77 96.1%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
donoshea 86.58 92.8%
ernimonroe 22.88 90.4%
user109394 22.02 96.3%
yoko 72.61 90.1%
designatedmounter 73.16 92.1%
_sundar_kc 32.52 87.9%
freedomdazzles 67.66 97.3%
tess01 77.74 88.7%