A practice - Absolutely no one

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user668543
The basics of life is to live and not die as much as you can. Look at the animals they hunt to live and sleep, and they can't anymore they just die. I hope you sleep well tonight. Nothing matters. Live in the moment. Don't worry about your future.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 157.56 95.7%
user491757 151.80 99.6%
laura10 134.69 99.6%
dcb87 131.14 98.0%
face_the_music 130.92 98.8%
kyle_w 126.87 98.8%
npabs 123.79 97.6%
gwaldrop 123.60 96.9%
user381085 122.11 96.5%
dante-didit 119.09 94.6%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
fe_gonzales 27.48 90.8%
riza0516 25.59 95.4%
user949982 95.37 97.6%
yena_428 65.18 89.9%
user109367 29.91 95.0%
npabs 123.79 97.6%
aziebelle 64.64 97.2%
dante-didit 119.09 94.6%