being slow - A typer

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von stonewillson55
When you type, just go slowly. Being fast at typing is not as important as getting the words right the first time. There's no need to rush, and what's interesting is that this rule applies to every facet of life. Trust me, if you take your time and thoroughly consider your next step, you will double your chances of success.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 187.58 97.9%
user491757 152.18 100%
thorgott2 146.08 99.4%
feuv 141.09 98.8%
frostmore52 140.19 97.3%
rivendellis 136.14 99.1%
km172123 134.76 99.4%
seantype2510 132.31 98.8%
vmlm 131.51 95.7%
bennyues 130.27 95.0%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user80864 86.48 92.4%
user109700 30.54 96.7%
user269129 53.97 91.6%
user109524 36.35 98.8%
kyle_w 117.43 97.9%
the_hornburg 76.27 98.2%
user90997 101.41 95.6%
user108043 98.09 93.7%