No. - PeachFlavoredRings

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von peachflavoredrings
I want to start saying no. It sounds easy, but I just can't bring myself to do it. It's easier to say it to a person I don't know, but when it comes to saying it to my family... It's one of the hardest things for me to do. I know it sounds dumb. I just feel like if I tell them no or that I don't want to do something with them, then they'll get upset. Not the angry type of upset. The sad type. The type that makes them do and say things that they'll regret or that'll cause problems later on.

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peachflavoredrings 74.68 92.3%
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jacqueline1234 103.95 95.2%
jacqueline1234 106.36 97.8%
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