This quote wurde hinzugefügt von kitkat
SUNNY... It's almost time. You've been through a lot these past few days. You must be tired... We all make mistakes... You've been running from this one for a long time now. It's tough to own up to them sometimes, but you'll forgive yourself, won't you? You can do this, SUNNY. You've worked really hard to get to this point... There's only one thing left to do now. Know that I'll always be watching over you, okay? As long as you remember me, I'll be here...

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typin_ 150.58 93.7%
strikeemblem 122.87 97.1%
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lome 83.79 95.1%
magesh 75.26 93.5%
tsquared76 74.23 92.6%
sopthn 69.86 92.2%
user468593 69.70 93.9%
the_hornburg 69.30 96.2%
user843630 68.79 92.7%

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magesh 75.26 93.5%
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strikeemblem 122.87 97.1%
typin_ 150.58 93.7%
lome 83.79 95.1%
user468593 69.70 93.9%
user843630 68.79 92.7%