Focus - Jon R.

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von luvuranjeet
I can't focus, I have too much to do and I don't know where to start. What do you do when you feel overwhelmed? Me? I procrastinate until I am forced to do what must be done. If you're typing this quote I have a request: Leave your own quote about how you handle stress, I could use the tips.

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user871724 168.36 97.7%
typin_ 155.75 96.7%
vivyan_owo 140.64 98.3%
user491757 138.19 98.3%
2001or2 125.38 88.5%
iltranscendent 124.88 98.3%
csquared2 122.56 99.3%
strikeemblem 121.08 93.3%
ezka 116.30 98.6%
gordonlew 115.87 97.0%

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jellyvanessa 81.14 93.0%
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user871724 164.40 97.7%
junss 61.74 96.5%
ockock 96.71 94.8%
sotype 33.18 91.8%