Take that, Barbie - Ducky

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user291759
Typing is something that came easily to me, though I never initially thought that would be the case. As a little kid, I was in awe of my brother's speed as he beat the typing games on my Barbie laptop with ease. When I tried to follow suit, Barbie would end up telling me, "Better luck next time!" It wasn't until I learned the correct way to type in school that it clicked. Now in my final year of High School, I can type an average of 130 WPM with 98% accuracy. Take that, Barbie.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
cornvelious 104.70 96.8%
laura10 103.06 96.6%
iltranscendent 100.78 97.0%
strikeemblem 99.02 95.5%
rivendellis 98.76 93.4%
mellarae 86.91 95.3%
meepcheep 84.68 91.1%
arwind7249 84.26 95.6%
user108043 83.39 95.4%
rrapattoni 80.91 95.4%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user421490 65.24 93.6%
user109145 37.20 90.1%
bellasmom 64.11 95.3%
donoshea 70.41 90.4%
user108043 83.39 95.4%
user534512 41.83 91.3%
meepcheep 84.68 91.1%
rrapattoni 80.91 95.4%