Use this Site to Improve - Ducky

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user291759
I've seen many quotes on Key Hero about seeking out short quotes, avoiding the long ones. On the flip side, I've seen those saying that persevering through the long quotes is what will help you improve. I am here to tell you that they are right. While it's nice to catch a little break every now and then, challenging yourself is what will increase your accuracy and WPM. Ours is a digital age, and being able to type quickly and efficiently is a skill with ever-increasing importance and usefulness.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 155.65 93.5%
strikeemblem 124.91 98.8%
bmcgoo 119.69 97.1%
vmlm 118.48 96.2%
mentalist 118.02 98.6%
mafuso 112.74 98.0%
laura10 112.53 97.7%
typist_type 112.28 97.3%
user679371 111.90 97.3%
saraannehopperr 110.62 98.0%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user843630 85.26 94.0%
dlandrith 38.61 94.9%
user746708 49.86 92.6%
saraannehopperr 110.62 98.0%
bmcgoo 119.69 97.1%
user843630 82.24 94.5%
shawnsmith91 90.74 93.5%
user108043 94.79 95.6%