Guidelines - Poo guy from Ohio

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user450130
Bad case is when the case is incorrect. You typed '. the' instead of '. The'. Bad ordering is when you typed a letter too early. For example, you typed huose instead of house. The U came too early. Doublet is when you typed a character twice. For example homee or commmunity. Other mistakes are not categorized. Red is if you decide to not fix a mistake. A penalty will be applied to your score.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
saraannehopperr 83.33 96.1%
rrapattoni 75.06 97.8%
user80864 72.92 91.2%
ultradianairshi 64.25 98.5%
bellasmom 63.31 92.3%
user939348 62.12 95.4%
user85658 59.61 96.1%
user100406 58.46 94.1%
mjav 40.04 90.8%
user100656 35.18 96.3%

Kürzlich für

Name WPM Genauigkeit
user80864 72.92 91.2%
ultradianairshi 64.25 98.5%
saraannehopperr 83.33 96.1%
user100406 58.46 94.1%
user85658 59.61 96.1%
rrapattoni 73.68 95.4%
rrapattoni 75.06 97.8%
user939348 62.12 95.4%