wubba lubba dub dub - sum rndom dude

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von jester_molester
I'm trying my best to keep our relationship going, but sometimes it just gets difficult. I don't know how much longer I can keep this going, but I'm trying my best to keep it going. I badly want to make this relationship work for the last time. It's so exhausting to bottle up all the things I'm feeling about her actions. It's exhausting to disregard my own feeling to try and communicate with her. It's tiring to keep on reminding her to communicate with me every time there's a problem between us.

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toinfinity1 1 Jahr, 11 Monate vor
that lowercase i in the middle messed me up so bad.
melonwithwater 1 Jahr, 11 Monate vor
@chieftyper How many videos of Kevin Samuels or Jordan Peterson have you watched before writing this?
chieftyper 1 Jahr, 11 Monate vor
Man, some people are just not ment to be together.

Lust, Love, Loyalty.

Lust comes easy, and love can come quick, but loyalty is where most fail. It sounds like the love is just not equal on both sides of this relationship. Don't feel bad, just embrace that truth as a man, knowing it just wasn't ment to be, and move on. Have strength and faith in yourself, be the man you know you need to be. The right woman will come along, and that woman will need YOU in HER life, not the other way around. Be solid, be HER foundation. NEVER let a woman be YOUR purpose or foundation, ever. Be a man.

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