JUST. STOP. - I don't care if this gets a poor rating.

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von username153928
Almost every other quote on this website is about love or some story about love. Here are my thoughts on that plain and simple: STOP! What, you think it's interesting to write something basically everyone else has? Well, it's NOT. (what???) (NPC MOMENT) Seeing those quotes is like walking past one of those couples at school. It's annoying, weird, cringey, and there is a time and a place. NOT HERE. I don't even want to SEE the word again. I might just go to some other site. I spit on you.

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bobwizard67 1 Jahr, 4 Monate vor
bro rlly said npc moment( crying emoji, skull emoji)
bobwizard67 1 Jahr, 4 Monate vor
me personally i wouldn't let that shit slide. that just me though.
bobwizard67 1 Jahr, 4 Monate vor
hmmmmm 1 Jahr, 4 Monate vor
Wow. Get a life loser LMAOOO this is so pathetic. Like imagine being so insecure and needy to the point you feel the need to go on a self righteous rant like this on a typing website that consists of user submitted quotes. Just skip the ones you think are garbage and live your own life. What a sad sack of shit you are, grow some thicker skin pussy.

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miserableusagi 98.36 95.2%
alliebomba 72.45 98.4%
user464653 43.24 90.9%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
alliebomba 72.45 98.4%
miserableusagi 98.36 95.2%
user464653 43.24 90.9%