It's okay to be slow - Ichibudo

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von yani
It's okay to pace yourself. Sometimes I find myself typing way too fast and making heaps of mistakes. I tried typing in Dutch and my pace is much slower than typing in English. I reverted to English and figured, you know what I'll keep my pace for now. I found out that faster is not always better, well at least in my case.

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toinfinity 143.57 99.1%
venerated 139.69 94.5%
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rivendellis 125.78 99.1%
lotb777 124.36 100%
strikeemblem 117.79 96.7%
kaiserpepper 116.84 94.5%
spiritowl 116.75 99.7%
dcb87 114.09 98.5%
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dante-didit 99.39 96.4%
mike7lap 39.39 97.3%
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bweeta 100.97 98.5%
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kicko 101.77 94.5%