typing text

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user950461
Embrace the rhythmic dance of your fingers across the keyboard, for each keystroke is a step towards mastering the art of typing. Like a musician learning a new piece, practice transforms clumsiness into fluidity. Remember, even the greatest typists began with a single key. Journey on, challenging each mistake, for with each repetition, you build a symphony of skill. Pursue excellence, not perfection. The rhythm of progress beats within you; type on. Each word is a milestone. Revel in your growt.

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tashaworfolk 2 Wochen, 3 Tage vor
Growth is mis-spelled at the end of the quote.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
hiramisu 118.36 96.7%
2001or2 111.50 90.4%
user717489 106.53 93.5%
strikeemblem 104.62 95.1%
spiritowl 98.24 99.4%
rossgshaffer 97.76 95.1%
jezpher 94.18 94.7%
elite_jaredgoff 93.95 95.8%
kyle_w 93.89 94.2%
whoops29 92.26 97.3%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
tashaworfolk 70.49 95.1%
slaughtermelon 67.50 92.4%
user88803 86.10 96.0%
donoshea 72.80 91.6%
skat 84.41 94.7%
user108469 42.99 87.1%
user107952 43.32 85.3%
tsquared76 66.57 96.2%