Repetitive Quotes - Anonymous

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von madamebutterfly
I sit here typing through quotes to pass time at work for about 7 hours a day and I've realized that I come across the same quotes multiple times. Surely there are more than enough quotes on this entire website to be able to type for hours and hours without encountering the same ones again and again.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
2001or2 146.78 95.9%
strikeemblem 129.39 97.7%
rossgshaffer 111.70 98.4%
mcgambril 109.20 97.7%
noobplayer 106.18 95.6%
derpqwerty 102.22 97.1%
user103663 98.32 98.7%
bigboi99 96.29 93.8%
_96k 95.14 98.4%
typeracer_0 94.17 97.7%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user843630 93.63 95.9%
mcgambril 109.20 97.7%
_96k 95.14 98.4%
derpqwerty 102.22 97.1%
freedomdazzles 80.41 94.7%
user109145 34.98 86.5%
user843630 91.71 96.2%
user843630 91.71 96.2%