robotics - internet

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von abhinand
This multi-lens 3D display uses multiple layers of lenses to reproduce focal depth and enhance the sense of depth perception in the 3D image. It's designed to overcome distances and obstacles while conducting searches. This robot can ascend and descend steps by controlling its center of gravity, and it can move across uneven terrain.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
typin_ 152.18 93.8%
ilovejujubee 103.99 97.4%
geryjs 102.44 97.1%
cephiro 101.44 98.5%
rhinofeed 100.15 98.5%
alee127 98.99 98.2%
alampkins 97.60 96.8%
prodigy5723 97.34 97.1%
jan_londen 96.41 96.3%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user52032 45.02 96.8%
user108790 28.21 85.2%
user100406 63.16 91.8%
user104995 53.00 96.3%
thecrazydane2 55.82 88.6%
jena83 50.66 86.3%
shasan187 88.69 98.5%
somerandomppl 71.32 91.8%