Human - .....

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von wvylle
You are now breathing manually. You are now aware of the fact that your clothes are touching your skin and you can feel it. You are now aware that every time you swallow you hear a little crackle in your ears. You are now aware your nose is constantly in your peripheral vision. You are now aware of the fact that your tongue is unable to find a comfortable place in your mouth.

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user871724 175.36 97.9%
strikeemblem 118.35 93.1%
laura10 116.43 98.7%
user98852 115.31 94.6%
rivendellis 114.80 96.4%
yagoliz 114.72 99.2%
dante-didit 110.10 96.9%
brokenwillow 108.97 97.9%
memgo 103.94 95.2%
kensmom825 102.81 95.7%

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sterlingwolf 91.95 96.2%
js88 62.97 93.6%
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npabs 95.58 91.1%
dany_ab 31.50 84.3%
historialdirect 95.28 92.0%
strikeemblem 118.35 93.1%
user99861 49.18 93.6%