
This quote wurde hinzugefügt von magickings
Switching from other typing websites to this one has truly been a humbling experience for me. I went very quickly from 100 WPM to the low 60s. This was mostly due to the punctuation and numbers in these tests, which weren't there on other websites. Despite my struggles, I am happy I switched, as I feel I have become a much better and more practical typist. I am now in the high 70s and making my way back to 100!

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feuv 7 Monate, 1 Woche vor
Good luck! Hope you join the 100 WPM club soon!

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Score (WPM) Verteilung für dieses Zitat. Mehr.

Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
user474117 141.45 97.0%
forkhunter 130.50 98.8%
user871724 127.38 94.8%
feuv 126.66 97.4%
laura10 113.05 99.0%
rivendellis 111.39 97.0%
thebombuknow 100.87 92%
jacqueline1234 99.78 95.2%
spiritowl 98.44 95.2%
colincastle1234 97.81 97.2%

Kürzlich für

Name WPM Genauigkeit
petrolfume 78.30 89.8%
magickings 89.86 95.4%
magickings 92.23 95.0%
bp.kuma 62.19 94.3%
user468593 63.34 92.8%
donoshea 72.62 89.8%
user106998 71.17 95.0%
ultradianairshi 54.68 95.4%