Typewrite Lesson - Cornelius

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von stevennotfound
Hello there, this is your Conversa-Phone instructor who will teach you the essentials of touch-typing quickly and efficiently. Learning touch typing is really quite easy, follow my instructions carefully and by the time you have finished this record you will have mastered the typewriter keyboard. Try not to look at the keys when typing and don't worry about mistakes. They will disappear with practice. Ready?

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
typin_ 131.94 88.4%
netramz 131.50 97.6%
user97238 112.65 96.3%
clairebearr 103.45 97.6%
theking 101.90 94.9%
colincastle1234 100.63 94.5%
hamchow 100.45 95.4%
skyhako 99.41 94.7%
algo 98.15 96.5%
petrolfume 97.14 94.1%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
algo 98.15 96.5%
dyl 51.82 89.2%
user484084 76.56 92.4%
rubenpire7 88.78 96.7%
megadragon 62.24 93.6%
bluey 34.19 89.5%
skyhako 99.41 94.7%
user105219 77.05 95.4%