A Good Day - anonie

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user805314
Hello! Nice to meet you, I know you're too focused on typing fast that you're not really focusing on what I am saying but that's okay! Just remember to be patient with yourself and no two days are the same. Be kind to yourself because, here you are trying to be better than yesterday and in the end, that's all that matters!

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
cornvelious 129.82 96.4%
strikeemblem 126.16 95.6%
user74592 118.54 97.6%
ezka 112.61 96.1%
lynchrobinson 111.13 96.7%
memgo 105.70 94.5%
user90997 105.57 95.0%
user98852 105.48 95.6%
user954984 104.78 92.3%
dante-didit 104.12 94.7%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
bamboo13 40.27 93.1%
immortal2006 72.02 97.6%
user109254 46.09 90.8%
tarunkalyan01 33.99 94.5%
lings 34.90 88.8%
user97523 90.50 97.3%
kampo 48.89 92.3%
samcclive 40.07 97.0%