i’ll miss you. - sginsea

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von sginsea
How all of this has been lately is not working for me. I know you're going through a lot but our relationship has needs and so do I. I've spent a lot of time waiting on you. Waiting on you to prioritize me, waiting on you to communicate, waiting on you to choose me. I've given up a lot for this relationship, not only job wise but with friends too. I can't make you want to do those things. But you don't have space for me and I can't keep choosing a connection that actively isn't choosing me.

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mads2028 7 Monate, 4 Wochen vor
This is so real, my ex had always chose his friends and anything but me. He made me feel like I wasn't important to him. Like I mean nothing to him. You deserve better, everyone deserves more than what they have.

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