
This quote wurde hinzugefügt von agie
We still use them, but what we really needed was a vehicle, a business plan to follow so we could apply all those wonderful, newly found strengths. We also failed miserably at several other business attempts before this one came along. We lost a lot of money looking for a way to make extra income and become independent by listening to and following people without seeing their physical success records.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
samuraininja 147.69 99.3%
lytewerk 133.06 99.8%
archangel87 127.27 98.3%
nwdrifter 123.11 99.3%
junhei 119.30 96.2%
teilodv 117.12 96.4%
harleyq 115.02 98.5%
cornvelious 113.14 97.8%
staylor1014 110.58 94.0%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
typefighter 79.50 95.7%
kleve13 87.96 98.1%
slaughtermelon 73.39 95.5%
paranoidminotaur 103.74 95.5%
jacqueline1234 95.89 94.0%
joshsalita30 63.13 95.1%
maheem 59.55 96.9%
user99861 41.50 90.8%