The Rust Programming Language - Nicholas Matsakis and Aaron Turon

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This book assumes that you've written code in another programming language but doesn't make any assumptions about which one. We've tried to make the material broadly accessible to those from a wide variety of programming backgrounds. We don't spend a lot of time talking about what programming is or how to think about it. If you're entirely new to programming, you would be better served by reading a book that specifically provides an introduction to programming.

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user871724 163.18 93.8%
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jacqueline1234 112.25 96.9%
kyle_w 111.60 99.1%
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mgraham 89.34 96.3%
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user108043 89.93 91.5%
user871724 154.96 93.2%
user105219 83.04 96.5%
omolon 65.68 95.1%