Typing Skills - Unknown

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Beyond casual communication, strong typing skills are essential for efficiency in today's digital world. The capacity to send emails, complete online forms, and generate documents leads to better productivity across various tasks. Whether you are a student handling research papers and online assignments, a professional creating reports and presentations, or someone navigating the ever-growing digital landscape, mastering the keyboard unlocks a new level of ease and speed in achieving your goals.

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Score (WPM) Verteilung für dieses Zitat. Mehr.

Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
algo 90.88 95.6%
iangraf 81.88 92.6%
user206721 80.96 97.1%
user105219 74.05 95.8%
shaikkamarul 71.04 94.7%
user86153 68.50 94.0%
naterade 65.79 92.8%
amberraechel 54.78 96.3%
lexervoid 54.73 93.1%
user292247 44.31 94.9%

Kürzlich für

Name WPM Genauigkeit
user108640 41.54 93.6%
iangraf 81.88 92.6%
bamboo13 38.86 94.7%
user105219 74.05 95.8%
user206721 80.96 97.1%
user292247 44.31 94.9%
naterade 65.79 92.8%
user86153 68.50 94.0%