Glove80 Part 2 - Timothy

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von tjapit
It's been almost 3 months now with the Glove80 and just like the name suggests, it fits like a glove. I learned that the staggered layout of a regular keyboard comes from the days of the typewriter. They had it staggered so that the metal bars don't hit each other when typing. But for some reason we just kept it when we moved to actual keyboards and never bothered to redesign it. If you spend multiple hours a day on the keyboard, I suggest you try out any split keyboard!

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typin_ 151.85 93.5%
hiramisu 127.84 96.2%
strikeemblem 120.71 98.0%
tjapit 103.13 97.9%
gwaldrop 101.52 95.4%
mcgambril 97.84 95.6%
user90997 90.20 91.0%
user108294 83.82 95.8%
user843630 80.47 96.2%
donoshea 77.80 91.9%

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user70030 23.72 96.5%
user843630 80.47 96.2%
strikeemblem 120.71 98.0%
jules831 68.76 93.2%