Pulse of the Maggots 1st Verse - Slipknot

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von necromnomicon
I fight for the unconventional. My right, and it's unconditional. I can only be as real as I can, the disadvantage is, I never knew the plan. This isn't just a way to be a martyr. I can't walk alone any longer. I fight for the ones who can't fight. And if I lose, at least I tried!

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
ultra_penguin 77.26 95.3%
necromnomicon 57.22 96.6%
cfav 52.59 95.6%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
cfav 52.59 95.6%
ultra_penguin 77.26 95.3%
necromnomicon 57.22 96.6%