Talent and Sense - Oikawa

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von tjapit
Have you found the limits of your abilities? People who are naturally better than you have been different from you since the day you were born. No matter how hard you work, you can't change that. You can complain after you've actually done everything you possibly can. Today might be the day you seize the chance to let your talent bloom. I'm not sure if physique has anything to do with it, but if you think it'll never come, it probably never will.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
hackertyper492 123.13 93.4%
tjapit 112.23 98.3%
trishadgk 108.72 95.7%
blunzengroestel 101.03 97.6%
faillogic 92.48 94.9%
stevendiao 92.18 95%
donoshea 86.72 91.5%
peachflavoredrings 82.66 93.2%
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user105219 79.02 95.3%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
hackertyper492 123.13 93.4%
user105219 79.02 95.3%
ashrosetta123 72.75 85.7%
donoshea 86.72 91.5%
user109150 41.27 88.1%
faillogic 92.48 94.9%
blizda 65.18 86.9%
tjapit 112.23 98.3%