Into the Woods

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von delphisdaughter
If you know what you want, then you go, and you find it, and you get it. And you give and you take, and you bid and you bargain, or you live to regret it. There are rights and wrongs and in-betweens. No one waits when fortune intervenes! Only two more tries, then we'll have our prize. When the end is in sight you'll realize if the end is right, it justifies the means.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 157.38 98.1%
typefighter 92.68 96.6%
user843630 87.65 94.4%
vishal 87.31 95.1%
gladevise 79.95 98.9%
delphisdaughter 71.72 97.6%
kait999 54.28 87.1%
user108270 42.04 93.9%
_jj00 32.23 85.9%
user109013 22.34 71.2%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
_jj00 32.23 85.9%
user871724 157.38 98.1%
delphisdaughter 71.72 97.6%
typefighter 92.68 96.6%
user843630 87.65 94.4%
gladevise 79.95 98.9%
vishal 87.31 95.1%
user108270 42.04 93.9%