Children of the Mind - Orson Scott Card

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von moodynightmare
She worked her toes into the sand, feeling the tiny delicious pain of the friction of tiny chips of silicon against the tender flesh between her toes. That's life. It hurts, it's dirty, and it feels very, very good.

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vmlm 11 Jahre vor
Orson Scott Card is a great storyteller. But He just has the most ridiculous metaphysical notions and just bends his stories around them so completely that it's hard to read his story without stopping once in a while and just think to yourself: "Why Orson? Why? This is just stupid and ridiculous! Ender is the only child who matters in the world and he's an absolute saint but also a stone cold killer? Ender never has any children of his own in 30 years but suddenly they spring forth from his mind fully formed in the shape of his siblings? The faith of three species depends on science moving faster in one week, at the hands of a single family, than it has in three thousand years? And Orson, please lay off the magical pseudo science."

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