Typing - Myself

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von devilishangel
Typing can be used for many reasons. In my opinion typing can be used for high school. For example, I have a program at school that required me to use a laptop. Typing can help by letting me type my teachers notes really fast. Another reason is that you can finish tasks fairly quickly and have spare time! There are many more reasons, but these two are the ones that apply to me most.

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gwen-chan 11 Jahre, 6 Monate vor

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
agndesigns 119.42 99.7%
jaesynn 116.94 99.0%
lkorth 115.23 99.2%
mowglimowgli 110.71 97.7%
gordonlew 107.04 95.5%
allanw5 107.00 99.2%
greengiller 105.32 95.8%
kdnd 105.24 98.4%
yagoliz 103.92 98.2%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
annaogi 63.85 93.9%
shawnsmith91 84.27 90.4%
lordbones 64.86 97.5%
user76262 65.29 98.0%
edricduffy 60.94 90.5%
riza0516 26.17 92.8%
user349339 54.23 93.7%
smartboynaresh 79.42 93.9%