Practice Makes Perfect - Elissa M.

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von jem1982
As they say, practice makes perfect. The more you practice typing, efficiently and accurately, the better you'll be at it. My best advice to you is to make sure that you sit up straight and rest your fingers on the appropriate keys before you begin to type, especially during typing tests. Eventually, your fingers (brain) will learn where each key is without having to look down; and once that happens, there will be no stopping you! Good luck!

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
firefingers1992 136.63 97.4%
turtlethemoon 120.53 97.2%
tomchu77 117.63 95.9%
munchkinbug 114.55 97.8%
jpmerrion 112.78 98.7%
erdrag0n 111.67 98.0%
arravalle 110.93 98.0%
missarkansas 108.54 92.1%
geryjs 108.12 96.5%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
blizda 62.73 86.4%
mcgambril 95.32 94.7%
ladytzyion 39.22 89.4%
thecrazydane2 63.16 86.1%
machinist80 56.27 85.6%
geryjs 108.12 96.5%
typinglindsey 81.42 96.9%
user83344 98.56 97.2%