Only way to live - Ryan C.

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von aranumenwen
I need not religion, for religion is nothing but archaic words and practices. I need not faith, for faith is nothing but misguided trust in things for which there is no evidence. I need not god, for god is nothing more than the simplest solution to the most complex question. It's not something I'd recommend, but it is one way to live.

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afbwelter 10 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
Just in the same way that serially raping women on the weekends is also "one way to live." The fact that you CAN do something doesn't meant that you SHOULD. I personally think religion is one of those things that just shouldn't be. If there were but one religion maybe things would be slightly better, but the weapon of faith and belief in divine command is dangerous. It is what led to 9/11. It is why the condom use in Africa as a whole is low and the rate of AIDS is rampant. It is the means with which evil people can drive the weak for their own ends. It is the only case in which unspeakable evils can be committed by people who would otherwise be good people. If you are a moderate, then learn more about your religion. Most likely you don't actually believe and just don't know it.

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