The Sidewalk Racer / On the Skateboard - Lillian Morrison

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von russeladvincula
Skimming an asphalt sea I swerve, I curve, I sway, I speed to whirring sound an inch above the ground; I'm the sailor and the sail, I'm the driver and the wheel I'm the one and only single engine human auto mobile.

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vmlm 11 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
I really like this quote. It very effectively transmits the feeling of grandeur, of pride in a skill acquired. Something so prosaic as... what? skateboarding? rollerblading? biking? walking? A simple thing, anyway, the simple act of moving forward, framed in a celebratory, victorious language. And the imagery is very good: " I speed to whirring sound an inch above the ground"

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