Forever - Dallas Sykes Kelloms

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user917364
The birds cry from the highest branches I tremble deep within these trenches. You don't know me and never will, but I've always been in this battlefield, fighting for you thy righteous queen. Very few have seen the pain I have seen. What it took to drive to push to you. Other men merely just couldn't do. So baby you should know that no matter the weather, but through thick and thin I'll be here forever.

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afbwelter 11 Jahre, 4 Monate vor
Holy Poopsnizzle there are so many freaking grammatical errors in this quote that it just blows my mind.

I tried fixing up as much as I could, but I can't make this correct without changing the words, and I knew that that would be too far so I just capitalized all of the I's and changed some of the punctuation so that it almost makes sense. You're welcome.
user7122 11 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
is this a song?

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