Bill Gates says - CS2vn

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von cs2
I believe foreign aid is critical to helping solve the world's toughest problems. The data is pretty compelling, but the question remains: What is the best way to tell others?

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user400381 7 Jahre vor
This sounds nice -- too bad it isn't true. Foreign aid has done far more damage than good.
dvorakdan 8 Jahre, 9 Monate vor
littlebit264 (as if you'll see this) What is not all correct? The spelling of Bill Gate (sic)? The quote? The concept of foreign aid being useful? If you can type forty or fifty words (or more) a minute, Why not take 20 seconds to be clearer about what you mean? (And what do you like exactly, too?)

littlebit264 11 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
This is not all correct but I like it!

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